Civil War Dedication Camp Calhoun

Calhoun Cemetery

A dedication event took place during the 2008 Battle of Sacramento in May. The Union Cemetery is located at Camp Calhoun, Calhoun, Kentucky.

Individual headstones have been set for each of the soldiers that are buried here. The headstones include the date they died and the regiment they served.

Camp Calhoun Stones

The dedication included:

  • cannonade,
  • reading of the "Honor Roll" by period reenactors,
  • brief speeches by Presidents Lincoln & Jefferson, and
  • a 21-gun salute
Calhoun Cemetery

The day started with a parade down Main Street in Sacramento. Buses then took everyone to Camp Calhoun for the dedication. The dedication began at 10:00 AM (CST). After a moving and emotional dedication, everyone boarded the buses to return to the battle festivities.

NOTE: The dedication, Battle of Sacramento and the debate between Lincoln and Davis were recorded for a special documentary by a 2x Emmy Award winner videographer. This video will be made available to schools as well as the general public.

Call (270) 792-5300 for more information and check out the website.